This met me on the morning after our family left to return to the states after a very sweet visit. It ministered to my heart in a really special way. Thank you.
Hey Amber, thanks for reading this one and I thank God it comforted you after what sounds like a hard goodbye. God sees the sacrifices you’ve made for mission, and He cares for you and the people you left behind. 🤍
Thank you, I realized I worded that wrong. My in-laws were visiting here and left to return to the states. Goodbyes never get easier but thankful for the comfort we have in Christ.
Such beautiful sentiments of yearning.... an eloquent musing of eternity. I've often wondered who put the concept of eternity in our mind and heart. Here I caught a glimpse of your belief.
This met me on the morning after our family left to return to the states after a very sweet visit. It ministered to my heart in a really special way. Thank you.
Hey Amber, thanks for reading this one and I thank God it comforted you after what sounds like a hard goodbye. God sees the sacrifices you’ve made for mission, and He cares for you and the people you left behind. 🤍
Thank you, I realized I worded that wrong. My in-laws were visiting here and left to return to the states. Goodbyes never get easier but thankful for the comfort we have in Christ.
Such beautiful sentiments of yearning.... an eloquent musing of eternity. I've often wondered who put the concept of eternity in our mind and heart. Here I caught a glimpse of your belief.
It’s a fascinating concept and so unique to the human experience. Thank you for reading my thoughts and allowing me to share my worldview with you! 😌
I really enjoy reading the depth of your feelings and spiritual quests expressed in such a lyrical manner. Keep writing!