Looking forward to seeing this movie. Thank you Heidi, love how you weave Jesus into reel life and real life.

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I love reading your emails Heidi. It’s always a rich rewarding read. Thank you for sharing yourself.

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Hey Amber! Thanks for stopping by! Your readership and word of encouragement means so much to me. Thanks for empowering me to keep sharing! 🙏🏻

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Wow this such a thorough and insightful take on a powerful movie! I throughly enjoyed reading your thoughts on it :)

What I loved most about this movie is how it opens up kids’ eyes to the full spectrum of human emotions and shows them that feelings are neither good nor bad - they are a part of the human experience and every emotion plays an important role in our lives. It helps them see that their feelings don’t define them and they are a good kid underneath it all.

I watched it with my 6 year old who’d never heard of “anxiety”! But like me he’s a perfectionist so he’s definitely felt it. Now when those feelings inevitably come up for him, he’ll have a word for it. He won’t feel so alone. Maybe he’ll even picture an orange face, googly eyes and crazy hair!

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Thanks for reading, Ruhie! Definitely agree with you that I loved how the movie portrayed each emotion and the role they play in our lives - including sadness and anxiety! So sweet you were able to have such deep and constructive chats with your kids after the movie! Your 6 year old sounds super perceptive already!

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"My inner-circle might be small, but these are the people who truly know me and accept me—warts, zits, failures, mistakes and all. With them, I can enjoy a whole deeper level of love and loyalty because our friendship has been tested, and we’ve committed to working through decades of mess together." I have a couple of friends like this and it's such a treasure. Thanks for these words and your whole piece!

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Hi Kym, thanks for reading this reflection. Love that you have an inner circle who you can treasure in this lifetime!

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Inside Out 2 was such a profound movie to watch and you broke down all its themes beautifully! I loved the concepts of beliefs driving decision-making which ultimately led to Riley accepting a flawed sense of self. I loved reading your take on it!

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Hey Kathy! Thanks for stopping by and reading my reflection. Riley confronting her perfectionism and learning to accept a flawed sense of self was so moving. I agree the movie was so deep and profound - I could write a ten part reflection if I had the time!

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100% agree there’s so much of the movie to unpack. And I would totally read that ten part reflection! 😂

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Haha ok let me put down the baby and get started 🤣

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Anxious and joyless, that pretty much summed up today's "busy" life, not something reserved just for Gen Z or Gen Alpha.

Strike out items on our "busy list" that do not give us joy, hopefully, we will be less anxious.

Embrace the messiness of friendship and love. Life is messy. Life is beautiful.

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Hi Yi Xue, thanks for stopping by to read this reflection! I agree with you that "anxious and joyless" is a summary of our time and felt across generations. It would be interesting if Inside Out could do a part three with a focus on adulthood and increasing stress and responsibilities. Love your reminder to prioritise things that bring us joy!

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Excellent job on this, Heidi. Bravo! You covered this topic thoroughly and masterfully. Great work.

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Such kind words! Thank you, Susan!

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